Red Tide Data Resources for Florida

Harmful algal blooms, or HABs, occur when colonies of algae grow out of control and produce toxic or harmful effects (NOAA). SECOORA has pulled together data resources related to the Red Tide in Florida, including current reporting, models, and observing tools. Please contact if you have a resource that would contribute to this page.

Image credit: NOAA

Red Tide in Florida

The Florida red tide occurs when high concentrations of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, is present. Karenia brevis creates toxins, called brevetoxins, that are threatening to human and animal health. Red tides have been responsible for millions of dollars in economic losses to the commercial and recreational fishing industries as well as recreation and tourism industries.

Red tide toxins that end up in the food web can be transferred to other forms of life, from tiny zooplankton to birds, fish, aquatic mammals and humans. Red tides cause massive fish kills along the Florida coast, weaken or kill marine mammals, and, when the toxins are inhaled, cause respiratory distress in humans and marine mammals.

While red tide occurs naturally, knowing when and where a red tide threat may emerge and how it may evolve along the coast is important. A number of predictive tools and data resources are available or in development to investigate this natural phenomenon.

Florida Harmful Algal Bloom Resources

Current Red Tide Status

Models, Forecasts, and Imaging