Winter 2022 Meeting
December 13-14, 2022
Jensen Beach, FL
December 13-14, 2022
Jensen Beach, FL
FACT Network
December 13-14, 2022
Jensen Beach Community Center
Jensen Beach, FL
We had two great days of project updates, scientific talks, FACT business, and two workshops!
The agenda and workshop materials from the meeting are available.
Our range testing workshop was spearheaded by Jon Rodemann and Mitch Rider.
The goals of the workshop were to aggregate range testing data into a data product and create a best practices of range testing document across networks.
The OTN Sci Comm team and Bonnie Ahr presented on tips and tricks for getting your science out there!
We worked on creating project pages describing you research at a level the general public will understand.
9 new studies were published in scientific journals in 2022 by our members! You can check out those papers on our publication page.