2025 Annual Meeting
Our 2025 meeting was held at the Jensen Beach Community Center in Jensen Beach, FL. We had three days of fish-tracking fun including an R workshop, student and professional talks, array updates, an equipment symposium, and FACT business updates.
Location: Jensen Beach, FL
Sponsors: Innovasea, Ocean Tracking Network, Lotek, and Thelma Biotel
Location: Jensen Beach, FL
Sponsors: Innovasea, Ocean Tracking Network, Lotek, and Thelma Biotel

Winter 2024 Meeting
Our winter 2024 meeting was held at the Guy Harvey Resort in St. Augustine, FL. We had three days of science fun including array updates, student and professional talks, FACT business, two workshops, and several specials guest presentations including an equipment symposium, OBIS, and spatial and temporal modeling by Robert Lennox!
Location: St. Augustine, FL
Sponsors: Ocean Tracking Network, Innovasea, and Lotek
Location: St. Augustine, FL
Sponsors: Ocean Tracking Network, Innovasea, and Lotek

Summer 2023 Meeting
Our virtual summer 2023 meeting included project updates and FACT business. We’re looking for a new logo and have several volunteer positions open. Check out our meeting summary!
Location: Virtual
Location: Virtual

Winter 2022 Meeting
The FACT Network Winter 2022 Meeting was held at the Jensen Beach Community Center in Jensen Beach, FL. We had two great days of project updates, scientific talks, FACT business, and range testing and science communication workshops. We also held our first raffle to support student travel!
Location: Jensen Beach, FL
Sponsors: Ocean Tracking Network & Innovasea
Location: Jensen Beach, FL
Sponsors: Ocean Tracking Network & Innovasea

Summer 2022 Meeting
Our first in person meeting since the pandemic! We had 3 days of science and catching up with everyone in person at the Nyami Nyami River Lodge at the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, FL. Apart from array updates and scientific talks we also had two workshops – one on report writing and the other on species distribution modeling. We supported travel for two students to attend the meeting and had a fun scavenger hunt in the zoo!
Location: Melbourne, FL
Sponsors: Animal Telemetry Network, Ocean Tracking Network, Innovasea, and Lotek
Location: Melbourne, FL
Sponsors: Animal Telemetry Network, Ocean Tracking Network, Innovasea, and Lotek

Winter 2021 Meeting
Our two-day virtual meeting featured FACT business and member updates, partner presentations, and a demonstration of the new FACT Data Visualization Tool (DaViT). Workshops included telemetry coding sessions by the Ocean Tracking Network and Node 101, helping new members integrate their data for seamless collaboration.
Location: Virtual
Location: Virtual

Summer 2021 Meeting
Our one day virtual meeting included FACT business and member updates with a special afternoon session on the FACT Data Visualization Tool (DaViT). This interactive mapping tool will allow the public to see the range and distribution of FACT tagged animals.
Location: Virtual
Location: Virtual