The SECOORA Annual Meeting will be held May 13-15, 2014, at the Hilton Savannah DeSoto in Savannah, GA.  Please block these dates on your calendar.

In response to your feedback, we have rearranged the agenda and the timing of each of its segments.  The PI Meeting will kick off on Tuesday, May 13th  at noon.  It will be followed by a social event at Skidaway with food and drink on Tuesday evening.  The Members and Stakeholder meetings will be on Wednesday, May 14th, with the business portion scheduled at the end of the day.  During breaks and lunch, we will have an opportunity to visit a poster session organized by the PIs.    The Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 15th.  Visit the SECOORA website to see updates/changes as the meeting agenda evolves.

For room reservation, Please contact Megan Lee,

Meeting Materials

We are looking forward to the meeting!