Executive Committee
The Executive Committee works with the SECOORA staff to prepare draft meeting materials and policy documents for consideration by the Board of Directors; recommend Policy Committee assignments to the Board; and additional duties as designated by the bylaw or the Board. Executive Committee members are elected for one year terms with ability to be reelected for a second term.

Patrick Barrineau
Coastal Science & Engineering

William Savidge
Vice Chair
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Jeff Copeland

Evelien VanderKloet
Ocean Tracking Network at Dalhousie University

Gary Mitchum
Past Chair
University of South Florida College of Marine Science
Science Committee
Staff Lead: Jennifer Dorton
The Science Committee provides oversight to ensure instrumentation, observation schemes, and modeling in the SECOORA region are consistent with national and international Ocean Observing System scientific recommendations, along with providing guidance to the Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (RCOOS) Plan.
Committee Member | Institution |
Yonggang Liu | University of South Florida College of Marine Science |
Bryan Franks | Jacksonville University Marine Science Research Institute |
William Savidge | Skidaway Institute of Oceanography |
Mike Muglia | East Carolina University Coastal Studies Institute |
Gary Mitchum | University of South Florida College of Marine Science |
Ruoying He | North Carolina State University |
Patrick Barrineau | Coastal Science & Engineering |
Lynn Leonard | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Vince Lovko | Mote Marine Laboratory |
Education and Outreach Committee
Staff Lead: Emily Noakes
The Education and Outreach Committee provides valuable support to SECOORA via input and oversight of student opportunities, as well as advice and guidance on priority educational and outreach needs and opportunities.
Committee Member | Institution |
Dwayne Porter | University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health |
Melinda Simmons | Jacksonville University Marine Science Research Institute |
Lynn Leonard | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Mary Conley | The Nature Conservancy |
Lisa Adams | University of California San Diego |
Aly Busse | Mote Marine Laboratory |
EV Bell | South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium |
Finance and Audit Committee
Staff Lead: Megan Lee
The Finance and Audit Committee oversees the financial management and health of SECOORA which includes reviewing the budget, financial reports and participating in the annual audit, financial policies, and major financial decisions.
Committee Member | Institution |
Susan Lovelace | South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium |
Conrad Lautenbacher | GeoOptics |
Jeff Copeland | Tempest |
Peter Hamilton | Emeritus |
Quint White | Jacksonville University Marine Science Research Institute |
Board Development Committee
Staff Lead: Megan Shaw
The Board Development Committee oversees all aspects of Board elections, including but not limited to establishing election procedures, developing a ballot, and soliciting nominations. This Committee meets twice in the spring to prepare the election ballot.
Committee Member | Institution |
Susan Lovelace | South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium |
Molly Baringer | NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory |
Paul Sandifer | College of Charleston |