Identifying regional needs and priorities for animal telemetry observations of aquatic species.
Meeting Information
Location: Hilton – Tampa Airport Westshore (2225 N Lois Ave, Tampa, FL 33607)
Dates: March 28 and 29, 2017
Hotel Information
Hotel: Hilton – Tampa Airport Westshore
Address: 2225 N Lois Ave, Tampa, FL 33607
Phone Number: (813) 877-6688
Workshop Background
This Workshop is one in a series of regional meetings and workshops that the U.S. ATN is holding to identify priorities for regional telemetry observations of aquatic species (including pinnipeds, sharks, whales, fishes, turtles, and seabirds) that could be served by an ATN baseline network and to examine whether the type and extent of existing telemetry assets could adequately satisfy these requirements. The information generated at the workshop will be used by the ATN to identify regional and national observation priorities to ensure that both are being met, a concise plan for sufficient funding of the envisioned national ATN tagging program, including infrastructure and operations, and how integration and coordination of these assets will be achieved.
Workshop Objectives
- Identify and prioritize regional telemetry research and potential keystone monitoring / observational needs.
- Review the existing global telemetry observing assets and scientific capabilities, and provide a state-of-the-region analysis.
- Document existing examples of stakeholder use of telemetry data (e. g. understanding fish distribution, mortality, migration, design of protected areas, definition of essential habitat for species protected by the ESA & MMPA, socioeconomics, fisheries management, and others).
- Identify data management challenges, and showcase the SECOORA-FACT Acoustic Data Node as a regional tool with global linkages for data management, sharing and collaboration. Consider needs common to other regions, and discuss strategies for applied, collaborative research across geographies and disciplines.
Meeting Materials
Meeting Agenda (click here to download draft agenda)
Tuesday March 28, 2017 – Gasparilla Room
Conference call and webinar capabilities is available for Day 1 of the workshop.
Registration Link:
Dial-In Number(s): 866.740.1260
Access Code: 5190403
9:00 Welcome, Review Objectives/ Agenda
- Bill Woodward – U.S. Animal Telemetry Network Coordinator
- Debra Hernandez – SECOORA Regional Association Director
- Miguel Canals Silander – CARICOOS Regional Association
9:15 Overview of the U.S. National Animal Telemetry Network
- Bill Woodward, NOAA IOOS ATN Network Coordinator
9:30 Commercial and Resource Management Perspectives
Representatives from the commercial sectors and resource management agencies discuss regional telemetry applications and stakeholder needs
- Mitch Roffer – ROFFS™
- Leah Baumwell – International Game Fish Association
- Mark Monaco – NOAA/NCCOS
- Anna Toline – National Park Service
- Margie Balas – FWC
- Mary Boatman – BOEM
- Keith Mullin – NMFS/SEFSC
- Erin Fougeres – NMFS/SERO
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:30 Researcher Perspectives
Representatives from the research community will showcase telemetry projects focused on a range of species, discuss current telemetry assets in the Southeast and Caribbean Regions, and highlight innovative technologies and methods
- Randy Wells – Chicago Zoological Society
- Joy Young – FWRI/FACT
- Eric Reyier – Kennedy Space Center
- Chris Kalinowsky – Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources
- Bill Post – So. Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources
- Greg Skomal – Massachusetts Marine Fisheries
- Clayton Pollock – National Park Service
- Heather Foley – Duke University
- Kristen Hart – USGS
- Sue Barbieri – FWC/iTAG
5:00 Wrap-up Day 1
Summary of Day 1, Preview Day 2 Breakout Sessions
5:30 Adjourn
6:00 Social Event hosted by Vemco
Location: Poolside
Wednesday March 29, 2017- Gasparilla Room
8:30 – 8:45 Welcome, Review Agenda, Recap Day 1, Describe Breakout Process
- Bill Woodward – ATN
8:45 – 9:15 SECOORA – FACT Acoustic Data Node
- Joy Young – FACT/Jon Pye – OTN
9:15 – 9:30 The Cuba Connection
- Aaron Adams – Bonefish and Tarpon Trust
For the breakout sessions, the Workshop attendees are organized into 3 pre-selected Groups (I, II & III), each with a pre-selected Facilitator and Reporter. Each Group will meet separately and will address all BREAKOUT TASKS according to the schedule below.
TASK: Create a Matrix (or Set of Matrices) of the Animal Telemetry Observation Needs in the SECOORA and CARICOOS Regions vs. the Assets that are Currently in Place (that we know of) to Collect Them; Identify Gaps
- How to Organize Them ?
- Perhaps by:
- STAKEHOLDER NEEDS ? (EG., Resource Management/Commercial./Prot. Sp. ?)
10:45 Break
11:00 – 12:00 BREAKOUT SESSION B
TASK: If Money Was No Object, or If We Had $1M/yr for Ten Years, Define What a Baseline Animal Telemetry Network (acoustic and satellite) in the SECOORA Region and in the CARICOOS Region (or a combined one) Could/Should Look Like
- STEP #1 ?
- STEP #2 ?
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (provided)
TASK: Describe the effective Telemetry Data Sharing Pathways within the SECOORA and CARICOOS Regions, What Sharing Outside the Regions is/could be Valuable and with Whom, What would Motivate the Creation and Implementation of these Pathways
2:15 – 2:45 Report Out From Breakout Sessions
2:45 – 3:00 Wrap Up, Actions. Adjourn
Steering Committee
Curious who is planning the meeting? Below are the Steering Committee Members helping organize the workshop.
- Miguel Canals, Caribbean Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System
- Debra Hernandez, Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
- Abbey Wakely, Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
- Bill Woodward, U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Joy Young, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
- Clayton Pollock, National Park Service
- Fred Whoriskey, Ocean Tracking Network
- Jon Pye, Ocean Tracking Network
- Mitchell A. Roffer, Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service, Inc.
- Neil Hammerschlag, University of Miami
- Chris Taylor, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
- Chris Kalinowsky, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Meeting Sponsors
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