Student Opportunity: Marine Heat Wave Position

SECOORA is seeking a graduate student or post-doc to examine ocean temperature regimes in the Southeast. This project will support a student to extract surface and subsurface temperature data from the SECOORA data portal, identify any data gaps, and conduct preliminary analysis. Proposals are due February 7th.

December 18, 2024

SECOORA is seeking a graduate student or post-doc to examine ocean temperature regimes in the Southeast United States, specifically offshore of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. This project will support a student to extract surface and subsurface temperature data from the SECOORA data portal, identify any data gaps, and conduct preliminary analysis. The student will also collaborate with the CARICOOS Regional Association and GCOOS Regional Association to create a more holistic understanding of nearshore oceanic temperature changes.

Proposals are due February 7, 2025 by 5:00 PM ET.

Proposal Guidelines

Proposals must follow the required proposal format. Proposals that do not follow the required format will not be evaluated. Funds must be used within 18 months of the project start date. The proposal must be uploaded as a PDF document via the SECOORA eGrants proposal system. Apply under the “2025 Marine Heat” opportunity. The anticipated start date is March 1, 2025 and completion by June 30, 2026 with possible extension.

Maximum page length is 4 pages (does not include the title page or appendices). Text should be 12-point font, all margins 1-inch, and must include the following components:

Title Page (1-page limit, does not count towards the 4 page limit) should include:

  • Proposal title
  • Applicant’s name and complete contact information
  • Supervisor or university advisor name and contact information
  • Project summary (1 paragraph)

Description of research project (maximum of 4 pages)

  • Description of marine heatwaves and potential impacts in the southeast ocean and coastal waters
  • Project description including objectives and methodology
  • Geographic location of study site must include coastal and ocean waters offshore of NC, SC, GA, and FL (coastline out to 50 nm, as feasible)
  • Project deliverables and project timeline

The following proposal appendices are required but do NOT count towards the four-page proposal limit:

  • Literature Cited
  • Two-page CV or resume
  • One signed letter of support from a faculty member familiar with the student’s academic career
  • A one-page Data Management Plan is required for projects that include the generation of new data. This plan must describe the data being collected, including temporal and spatial resolution, how the data will be processed, how and when the data, data products, and corresponding code will be uploaded to GitHub and the timeline for sharing the data with SECOORA and the FACT Network. For information on data management plans, please email


An eligible applicant is any graduate student or post doc in a marine science or computer science field. Applicants must reside in, and attend, an academic institution in the United States.


Please submit the entire application package electronically in PDF format no later than 5:00 PM ET, February 7, 2025 via You must complete the eGrants registration process to upload a proposal to This is a two-part verification system (phone and email confirmations are required). Once you have registered, please select the RFP “2025 Marine Heat”, complete the required fields, and upload your proposal and appendices as one document.