“Being chosen as a winner of the SECOORA Data Challenge is an honor! This project aims to provide an exciting new web tool showing the location and properties of eddies within SECOORA coastal high frequency radar coverage areas.”
Douglas Cahl, University of South Carolina, was the 2020 Data Challenge Winner. He developed a tool that leveraged HF radar’s unique data set to identify where eddies are located.

Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholars Award
Vembu, SECOORA’s beloved Data Manager, devoted his career to supporting networking and career development opportunities. This scholarship continues his impactful legacy.

Data Challenge
With $3500 available in each of the two categories, this challenge inspires students and young professionals to craft competitive proposals and develop innovative solutions.

Fisheries Student Opportunity
Funding from Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, Ocean Tracking Network, Innovasea, SECOORA Education & Outreach Committee, and individual donors made this award possible.
Open Student Opportunities

STUDENT OPPORTUNITY: Marine Heat Wave Position
SECOORA is seeking a graduate student or post-doc to examine ocean temperature regimes in the Southeast. This project will support a student to extract surface and subsurface temperature data from the SECOORA data portal, identify any data gaps, and conduct preliminary analysis. Proposals are due January 15th.