Our Purpose
The SECOORA SET Community of Practice (CoP) aims to bring together individuals and organizations dedicated to coastal resilience. Our goal is to share knowledge, collaborate on initiatives, and enhance coastal management practices through collective effort.

Our Team

Nisse Goldberg
SET Coordinator

Bailee Porter
Student Assistant

Riley Breshears
Student Assistant
North Carolina
Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Jenny Davis | NOAA NCCOS | Jenny.Davis@noaa.gov |
Elizabeth S. Darrow | Bald Head Island Conservancy | darrow@bhic.org |
Charlie Deaton | North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality - Division of Marine Fisheries | Charlie.Deaton@deq.nc.gov |
Michelle Moorman | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) | michelle_moorman@fws.gov |
Justine Neville | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | jneville@usgs.gov |
Rick Savage | Carolina Wetlands Association | Rick.savage@carolinawetlands.org |
Marcelo Ardon Sayao | North Carolina State University (NCSU) | mlardons@ncsu.edu |
Lori Sutter | University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) | sutterl@uncw.edu |
Christine Voss | University of North Carolina | c.m.voss.unc@gmail.com |
South Carolina
Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Tom Austin | Edisto Island Open Land Trust | land@edisto.org |
Scott Curtis | The Citadel | wcurtis1@citadel.edu |
Beata Dewitt | South Carolina Department of Environmental Services | Beata.Dewitt@des.sc.gov |
Will Doar | South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) | DoarW@dnr.sc.gov |
Courtney E. Kimmel | Port Royal Sound Foundation | ckimmel@portroyalsoundfoundation.org |
Katie Luciano | South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) | LucianoK@dnr.sc.gov |
Denise Sanger | South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) | SangerD@dnr.sc.gov |
Erik Smith | University of South Carolina Baruch Institute | erik@baruch.sc.edu |
Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Ben Carswell | University of Georgia - Carl Vinson Institute of Government | bcars@uga.edu |
Lori Sutter | University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) | sutterl@uncw.edu |
Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Jeremy Conrad | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) | jeremy_conrad@fws.gov |
Mike Osland | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | mosland@usgs.gov |
Ryann Rossi | St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program | rrossi@fsu.edu |
Ches Vervaeke | National Parks Service | william_vervaeke@nps.gov |
Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Ryan P. Moyer | TerraCarbon LLC | ryan.moyer@terracarbon.com |
SET Resources
SET and Other Wetland Funding Opportunities
Data Visualization Resources
Access data visualization platforms thorughout the Southeast. We are anticipating our own data visualization platform to be developed in the near future.

Southeast Climate Adaptation Center
This Stakeholder Data Investigation Tool includes sites in North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.

North Carolina Sea Grant
Access and download Surface Elevation Table (SET) data in North Carolina.

Program for Local Adaptation to Climate Effects: Sea Level Rise (PLACE:SLR)
Access and download Surface Elevation Table (SET) data across the Gulf of Mexico.

Monitoring Status of Coastal Wetlands in National Wildlife Refuges
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) are collaborating to assess the status of coastal wetlands on National Wildlife Refuges.

SET CoP News

Meet the Winners of the Surface Elevation Table (SET) Call for Proposals
SECOORA hosted a request for proposals for the installation of new Surface Elevation Table (SET) stations or the reactivation of historic SET stations within the Southeast region. This opportunity covers the cost of materials and supplies for the stations. Meet the winners here!

Call for Installation of New SET Stations and/or Reactivation of Historic SET Stations
SECOORA invites proposals for funding the installation of new Surface Elevation Table (SET) stations or the reactivation of historic SET stations within our region.