GCOOS - SECOORA Joint Webinar Series: Building Synergy Across the US MBON & Ocean Acidification Networks

The GCOOS - SECOORA Webinar Series aims to strengthen collaborations across the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and regional Ocean Acidification Networks (GCAN and SOCAN).

April 25, 2024

Beginning in April 2024, the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) and the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) are joining forces to co-host a webinar series. The goal of this webinar series, Building Synergy Across the US MBON & Ocean Acidification Networks, is to advance science in support of resource management and the blue economy by strengthening collaborations across the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network and regional Ocean Acidification Networks (GCAN and SOCAN).

The objectives of this webinar series include:

  • Advance understanding of the state of MBON and OA science
  • Identify opportunities to bridge MBON and OA fields of science
  • Synthesize lessons learned across MBON and OA activities to develop new partnerships and identify collaborative research opportunities.

Webinar Schedule

This webinar series is a 5-part series. Check back on this page for dates, speakers, webinar topics, and meeting links.

Webinar 1: Kickoff! OA Community and MBON Overview: State of the Science

Date: April 11th, 12 PM ET

This webinar opened up the series with a welcome, a discussion on the goals/objectives of this series, and a Q&A session with participants.


  • OA: Dr. Ana Palacio, NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
  • MBON: Gabrielle Canonico, NOAA IOOS

Webinar Recording: https://youtu.be/h_ReGGhqRRw

Webinar 2: Monitoring Ocean Animals Using a Variety of Techniques

Date: April 30th, 12 PM ET

The second webinar in this series will focus on techniques that help us monitor ocean animals. Speakers will explore everything from acoustics to eDNA.


  • OA: Dr. Luke Thompson, NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
  • MBON: Dr. Neil Hammerschlag, Atlantic Shark Expeditions and Shark Research Foundation
  • MBON: Dr. Jennifer Miksis-Olds, University of New Hampshire

Webinar Recording: https://youtu.be/_KQIwSj_Dsg

Webinar 3: Flower Garden Banks NMS – Identifying areas of data gaps, data needs and collaboration

Date: May 30th, 12 PM ET


  • OA: Dr. Xingping Hu, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
  • MBON: Dr. Marissa Nuttall, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

Webinar Recording: https://youtu.be/JVqh-IEE_zI?si=0OvibXMLXuNgHaZw

Webinar 4: Ecosystem Services and the Blue Economy

Date: July 25th, 12 PM ET


  • OA: Jessie Turner, International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification
  • MBON: Nathan Furey, University of New Hampshire, Coastal New England MBON

Webinar 5: International GeoBON Needs and Efforts

Date: August 2024


  • OA: Dr. Martin Hernandez Ayon, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California

Registration opening in early June