
SECOORA drives collaboration and innovation by supporting various networks that range from coastal resilience to emerging technologies like drones. These networks address a wide array of critical topics to advance technology and drive science based solutions.


SECOORA adopts a hands-on approach to oversee and manage Core Networks. Our Core Networks play a crucial role in facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations and knowledge sharing. They leverage emerging technologies and hot topics to provide essential data and information, empowering coastal communities to thrive in a changing world.

Web Camera Observation Network

Web cameras are a low cost coastal observing platform transforming how environmental monitoring is conducted. Webcam Coastal Observation System (WebCOOS) collects web camera data to monitor various weather, ocean, ecological and public health hazards.

Southeast Water Level Network

The Southeast Water Level Network is enhancing localized flood alerts, community resilience, and flood hazard monitoring in the face of storm surges, extreme rainfall, and rising sea levels. In collaboration with key partners and funding from NOAA’s Integrated Ocean Observing System, the network is deploying over 200 new water level stations across the Southeast.

Regional Ocean Data Sharing

SECOORA is leading a new data-sharing initiative with partners from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The goal is to build partnerships and improve data accessibility for marine management communities.

Surface Elevation Table Community of Practice

The Surface Elevation Table (SET) project and Community of Practice is fostering regional collaboration for coordinated SET management. This initiative unites stakeholders to deepen our understanding of coastal resilience in the face of rising sea levels. SETs are instrumental in measuring wetland elevation changes, particularly in coastal marshes.


Through a collaborative approach, SECOORA empowers Incubator Networks to operate independently. This support enables them to convene and generate actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership

The Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership (SCDRP) seeks to strengthen community resilience and support rapid disaster recovery from storms and disasters by serving as the primary network for professionals in emergency management, climate adaptation, and disaster recovery in the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean territories.

Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network

The Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network (SOCAN) works directly with scientists, resource managers, industry experts and educators to facilitate research and discussion to address coastal and ocean acidification impacts in the U.S. Southeast.

FACT Network

The FACT Network is a grassroots collaboration of marine scientists using acoustic telemetry and other technologies to better understand and conserve our region’s important fish and sea turtle species. The FACT Network includes partners from the Bahamas to the Carolinas (and is growing every day).

Drones in the Coastal Zone Community of Practice

The Drones in the Coastal Zone (DITCZ) Community of Practice is a network for drone experts and enthusiasts dedicated to advancing coastal science and management.  Through quarterly virtual meetings, members actively discuss crucial drone-related hot topics, present research, and explore areas such as technology advancements and regulations.